Characterised by the Adidas Infinite Trail World Championships, Gastein has made a prominent name for itself in the trail running scene in the past few years. There are two signposted trail routes here: one leads up to the Poserhöhe (not. just for posers!) and the other up to the Gamskarkogel. By the way, this route was part of the Adidas Infinite Trails. So, you are literally running on the world-champion ground.
Gastein offers over 600 kilometres of marked running trails ranging from leisurely promenades to steeper trails up to an altitude of 3000 metres above sea level. Flat and long or challenging and high Alpine. Feel so free, and every day you can decide where your route will take you! The BLÜ is the perfect starting point for running and trail running since countless running and trail routes begin right outside the front door.